02 March 2023 09:00 pm Tropical storm Kevin was named today: Kevin is expected a similar path to Judy. Zoom.earth have a nice summary, based on infomration from the Joint Typhoon Warn...
27th Feb 2023 09:00pm Tropical Cyclone Judy was officially named today, by the Fiji Meteorological Service, whose domain it currently falls under. Currently North East of Vanuatu, the TC is expected t...
8th February 2023 - 9:00 pm We're well into the TC cyclone season for 2022-23, and with that comes the formation of TC Gabrielle. Officially named by the BoM today, the TC has formed over...
9th Jan 2023 2100hrs The 2022/23 TC season kicked off, seeminigly with a bit of a whimper at 1pm on 7th Jan 2023, when TC Hale was officially named as a Cat 1 cyclone, forming to the west of Mackay, A...